Environmental Management

ISO 14000 series of standards, encourages all participated organizations, to identify and standardize their environmental impact resulting from their products and services. The core of the ISO 14000 series of standards is ISO 14001. ISO 14001 standard was completed and originally released on the September 1st, 1996 and is now the most recognized standard for environmental management systems. It is now in its second version (2004).

The main reason for an organization to adopt an environmental management system is the need to ensure compliance to environmental legislation.
The main benefits of implementing and gain certification for such a system are:

  • Improve your environmental performance
  • Reduce the use of resources and raw materials
  • Reduce energy consumption
  • Reduce waste production and waste disposal
  • Strategic advantage against the competitors.
  • Better administrative control.
  • Transparency in the application of processes of the enterprise.
  • Reliability against the customers and the suppliers.
  • Continuous improvement.
Environmental Management

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